Hi! If you’re new here, I’d love to get acquainted! Let me introduce myself!
I’m known as REXOmarie. Rexo is my nickname from growing up in the East Sepik Province jungle of Papua New Guinea. Marie is my middle name. I am a singer-songwriter currently living near Omaha, NE.
My song lyrics are based on old hymns that helped me with significant, painful and confusing trials that I have endured. During these hard times, I began singing encouraging and challenging hymns to my daughters at home and that turned into what I do now, which is making old hymns completely new and writing scripturally-rich songs. My hope is that through the songs I create, the truth and beauty of God will bring healing to those who are hurting. At the very least, bring enjoyment to the ears, something different from the typical style of the contemporary Christian music genre.
- I’m a 100% independent artist.
- I’m not just a singer song-writer, I’m also a photographer and mixed media artist.
- I’m a bit introverted and might be awkward at first meeting, but I promise I genuinely love people and I’m trying!
- I’m a mother of two creative daughters! You can imagine what our home is like with all three of us working on projects like baking, cooking, sewing, crafting, painting and practicing/playing our instruments and singing!
- When I’m not mothering, writing music, creating artwork, you might find me reading or watching apologetic material, napping, daydreaming and planning projects (I’m never bored!), and listening to music from other cultures, genres and languages.
My first single called “Consecrated” came out December 17, 2021!
My first 10 song album comes out January 21st 2022!
My music is available on Spotify, Amazon, and more!
Here are a few places you can follow me:
Thank you for reading and stopping by!